sábado, 30 de maio de 2015

"Do you want to build a snowman" *FROZEN COVER*

by Fabi e Lelê

"Do you want to build a snowman" was the first cover video we made.

We recorded this video just for fun and shared with family and friends. The video was more successful than we thought and inspired us to create the channel "Canal da Lelê" on YouTube.

In only six months the video hit over 1 million views, encouraging us to make new cover videos! S2

Fun fact: The current picture of my profile on Google+ and Youtube was taken on the day we recorded this video :-)

quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2015

Frozen and the Power of Love

by Lelê

Hello, friends!!! As you probably have noticed, I am passionate about the film "Frozen".

Elsa is a beautiful girl and loves so much her little sister Anna, that she is capable of give up her own life to protect her. On the other hand, Anna is sweet, funny and so brave, that she can face a tenebrous winter to have her sister back. Together, Elsa Queen and Princess Anna of Arendelle taught us that love and union are always the best solution for any difficulty!

The ice power is strong, but LOVE is much powerful!

Besides being a film with a beautiful message, "Frozen" is a wonderful musical, as only Disney knows how to do. I quickly memorized every song and singing them all the time, dreaming sometimes I was Anna and sometimes I was Elsa. So my mother used her power of love and turned my dreams into reality.

I can be Anna, can be Elsa, I may have powers and I can even be Anna and Elsa simultaneously! And you can be too!

In the world of imagination, everything is possible :-)

terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2015

Welcome to "Canal da Lele" Blog!

by Fabi e Lelê

Hi, friends!

Welcome to our new blog!
"Canal da Lele" is an YouTube channel that aims to make dreams come true. Here in the blog we will tell facts about the videos, share some tutorials and editing tips and talk about many other things!

What would you like to read on our blog? If there is something special that you want to see here, leave a comment or send a message for us!

Kisses and warm hugs,

Leticia and Fabiana :-)